One of the best basement hardcore bands I have ever seen, and possible the world has going on hails from Philadelphia Pa. Their name is Aneurysm Rats. I will save the trouble of reciting this bands huge resume of having members of a ton of other great bands. They are making a name for their band aside from the fact they all have the credibility under their belts. Heavy, unique hardcore riffs that are strangely melodic and aren't afraid to show a little metal flair with awesome guitar solos throughout that always remain tasteful. This band was so outrageously great at a basement I saw them at last week I almost couldn't sleep. It was great to be reminded of how inspiring and fun this music can be.
Thanks for the band for the support and giving copies to the store. Do yourself a favor and see this band live this summer. If you don't get the chance to see them, come to shore things and buy a copy of their full length. It looks great on green vinyl with a silkscreened B-Side.
Such a great LP. One of my favorite releases of the year, can't wait to see what this band does next.
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