Thursday, August 13, 2009

Day Seven Vacation

So I cannot just have my first pressing Necros, 180 GRM Faithfully Restored Coldplay and first pressing Citizens Arrest Records laying around! So, off to Target Dept. Store to purchase some additional racks for my expanding vinyl collection. On the way, I met up with my buddy rich. He just bought a really clean 70's Puegot bike and we rode to his girlfriends so he could get his haircut. She hated both our beards, so we told her we hate her pet reptiles. They frighten us. Then we high tailed it down tilton to our friend shawns video game store "LEVEL UP."

It honestly rules so hard. He has an outrageous collection of ATARI, NES , GENESIS AND newer games too. Im not much of a gamer dude but I love all the classic stuff bigtime. We played the NES on the store flatscreen and had a blast. One game stuck out in my mind called ZOMBIE NATION. Its a japanese game where you are a floating japanese head and shoot lazers out of your mouth all over the city. It has little to do with zombies but is very bizarre and fun and super rare. We played it for some time.

Awesome selection of Comics..

Real working SEGA DREAMCAST demo stand from the nineties. Awesome

Also, aftermarket Nintendo 8-BIT NES top loaders for sale for about $30-40, a great investment. One is hooked up as a working demo so you can play the games before you buy them. gnar.

I doubt you will see this many ATARI cartridges at one time anywhere in the state of new jersey. Very impressive.

The game very difficult, you are a japanese floating head shooting lasers out of your eyes and eating human beings. It does demand a higher skill level player to advance in levels though.

Day Five Vacation


Hey Gator, whats the coalesce cassette doing in your mouth ? chomp down on something else Im trying to jam out to that!!

Infamous Shore Things Exclusive : " AS SEEN ON SHARK WEEK BOOGIE. "

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Mini Fridge Update PT. 1

Well Stocked.
Tiger Woods Gatorade - Grape and Fierce Cherry : CHECK
V8 Juice ( in can form ) - six packs - CHECK
Sprite - bottles - CHECK (obey that )
Cinnabon Bars : CHECK (and also horrible )
Starbucks 2X Shot : OUT

Shore Style

The old crew reunited for the first time in 2 years. I told andrew today to write, "AS SEEN ON SHARK WEEK." on all the boogie boards with shark artwork on them. We laughed. It worked and people bought every one that had that written on it. Gnarly. You can never look a shark in the eyes.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Day Four Vacation

Today I woke up early and went to Bad Ass coffee with my friend cassie. It was really great, that place rules. I helped her with a giant yard sale she is having and then went home and worked on new words for jumpercable recording. A few a really like. Headed out to practice and downed tiger woods gatorade like it was my job. Usual sass on my behalf, like a young rock legend in training. The dudes put up with me, cause they are my best friends and have to. The song came out so awesome, and we kept on tracking on the next. Great day in shack lobster, we got a ton done and had some awesome laughs at jays various recoding stances and all the other great jokes we threw in there.

Day Three Vacation

Rich and his lady came down for an early morning bike ride in glorious ocean city. We hit the streets early in the am. First stop, express pizza. My bike sounded like a torture device, so I made a pit stop for a WD40 pen. Seemed like an excellent idea at the time. Only problemo, was I much have done such a gnar job that later on in the day my bike would thank me in its own unique way.

Got the pizza, which ruled. PS - it was definately the hottest day of the summer, and a daring choice of a day to ride but oh well. My brother ducked off to go to work. The three of us then rode a total of 13 miles or so from one end of the island to the next.

When we got to the end of the island, we took our bikes onto the jetty so know one would lift our sweet rides. It was a true display of young rebellion. It was worth it, took some gnarly pictures and pretended I knew about photography.

So after taking in the view of a beautiful day on the jetty and walking around shirtless, we got ready to head back. Earlier in the day, the death rattle my bike was screaming went away. I was very joyous of this. However, not even 3 blocks on the way back my left crankarm entirely broke off my bike. Yep. Rich tried to tie his belt from my bike to his and tow me, but it broke. I just rode back like a weirdo with only one leg and my other dangling off like a drunk dude. On the way back some strange dad dude wanted to make small talk about bikes and I did for a few blocks.

After all was said and done, made it back home and chilled out to the max for a minute or two before jumpercable recording. Hung out and jammed on some new riffage and I sat around looking like a cranky hot dude, not hot like a young val kilmer, hot like a steamy pile of turd. The dudes sounded gnarly as usual and it was cool to hang with them as usual. I went to wawa, right in time to see the beginning of a crazy storm on its way in.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Day Two Vacation

Today I woke up early and colin and I met our music teacher from highschool for coffee and breakfast. It was pretty gnarly. He looked righteous and was doing well. He introduced us to tons of great music. Now he builds effects pedals and knows a ton about music gear and tone. He Built a gnarly pedal for my brother and gave it to him as a gift.

He was also talking about the Minutemen - Double Nickels on the Dime 25th anniversary. A dedicated MM fan put together a release party for the records anniversary and Mike Watt from the band was there and talked about the bands history and performed. Mr. Mcmillian got to open which is awesome, proud of him.

Friday, August 7, 2009


Mike And Me at the Phillies Cards game. One of the best days of my summer.

Speaking of Brian Donovan...

My 15 minutes of fame. Got this tattoo from Brian Donovan. (of Davidian Tattoos in Hatboro PA) It's my favorite one I have currently. It is for my pop-pop (grandpop) and Its great that someone noticed it and appreciated it. My Pop-Pop flew in one of these in WW2 and was in the bomber unit that flew in Polesti. That was one of the pivital moment s in WW2 where his bomb group took out hitlers oil fields in Romania.

It’s only logical that the most produced bomber aircraft of World War II — the Consolidated B-24 Liberator — would have a prominent place in tattoo imagery for many years. If you do a quick search here, you’ll certainly find that the B-24 is a popular subject and we’ve said a lot over the past year on the Liberator.

But in this case, let’s talk about the style of the tattoo we find here - new school. Unlike old school tattoos which use very simple outline and color structure, the new school style broadens the color palette and takes the themes commonly used in old school and applies a certain three dimensional quality to them. What doesn’t change between new and old is the bold nature of the tattoos — thick lines, dark shading and exaggerated poses.

This new school-style B-24 Liberator, boldly flying through a thunderstorm, was created by artist Brian Donovan of Mercury Tattoo in Glenside, PA.

Please click on the image above or the link below for a larger image.

You can get my criminal records, avg income, phone number, adress, and lawsuits for a small price of $14.95


Bill Murray, Slayer, And Penthouse Premier

Somehow my day consisted of all these things. First off, today was the historical day where I payed homage to my favorite actor. I now proudly carry a bill murray tattoo, a portrait of him and the groundhog with the alarm clock behind him. Its inspired by the scene in the movie where he commanders his brother's (the mayor) pickup truck and kidnaps phil.

Its a work in progress, and its real hard to get a good picture with my camera. So far we only have bill's head but its uncanny how real it looks. This is my first and most likely last portrait tattoo, but its the only one that anyone would need.

And what is the deep personal significance one might ask ? Well, who can't relate to being trapped in what feels like the same day over and over and can't break out their daily routine. And mostly, I just love bill murray. And this role is the closest to him playing himself at this time.

(by Brian Donovan of Davidian Tattoo in Hatboro PA )

While I was getting tattooed, My friend Vin called me and told me he has backstage passes to see SLAYER and hang out with the band due to his brother and him winning some outrageous contest.

After our session was complete, we had to get some new gear for Brian and Rich. The infamous Penthouse magazine is opening a Bar in Philadelphia, and a client invited them to the premier which was later on that night. They aren't the type to usually go for something of that nature, but couldn't resist. Who could blame them. So we all high tailed it outta there to get some new gear and the dudes looked most triumphant.

And so begins day one of my vacation...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Truck You Lars Ulrich

Download my blazing (in hell fire ) hot track cameo on ABORTION CLINIC DUMPSTER OVERLOAD'S (from hell ) track SATAN'S PARTIES RULE ( they do )

In Sweden, Hardcore gets multiple camera angles

Jesus Christ. I dare another band to lay out a blueprint for what hardcore punk should be. What this band did is still so ahead of its time, it could have came out right now and still have the same outcome. This band set the standards so high, and were the catalyst for an amazing time of change in this style of music. Ink and Dagger and REFUSED were the two most original, impactful and awe inspiring hardcore bands of my time. It is not grandfather syndrome, they don't make them like this anymore.

Every 10 years a band completely changes the way a certain genre is perceived. This was mine. And they did it well

My Bloody Valentine- You made Me Realize (for jay)

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Bill Stevenson

is the best drummer in punk music. In my honest opinion. This week I have been listening to ALL- Mass Nerder a ton. A ton of great songs on there, with very very little filler and jokey songs.

So here it is the video for ALL- The World's On Heroin. It was on one of those Epitaph comps that were so infamous in our youth, Back when Epi wasn't complete crap. This is how myself and countless others also discovered ZEKE and REFUSED. Two of the coolest bands still.
The video doesn't make any sense really, but corporations are lame and ALL is not. Case and Point.

No, ALL !