Friday, August 7, 2009

Speaking of Brian Donovan...

My 15 minutes of fame. Got this tattoo from Brian Donovan. (of Davidian Tattoos in Hatboro PA) It's my favorite one I have currently. It is for my pop-pop (grandpop) and Its great that someone noticed it and appreciated it. My Pop-Pop flew in one of these in WW2 and was in the bomber unit that flew in Polesti. That was one of the pivital moment s in WW2 where his bomb group took out hitlers oil fields in Romania.

It’s only logical that the most produced bomber aircraft of World War II — the Consolidated B-24 Liberator — would have a prominent place in tattoo imagery for many years. If you do a quick search here, you’ll certainly find that the B-24 is a popular subject and we’ve said a lot over the past year on the Liberator.

But in this case, let’s talk about the style of the tattoo we find here - new school. Unlike old school tattoos which use very simple outline and color structure, the new school style broadens the color palette and takes the themes commonly used in old school and applies a certain three dimensional quality to them. What doesn’t change between new and old is the bold nature of the tattoos — thick lines, dark shading and exaggerated poses.

This new school-style B-24 Liberator, boldly flying through a thunderstorm, was created by artist Brian Donovan of Mercury Tattoo in Glenside, PA.

Please click on the image above or the link below for a larger image.

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